SSMJ August 2008


Editorial: Health in Southern Sudan

Most Health Professionals in Southern Sudan deal with a unique combination of health problems in often-difficult working conditions. To the burden of ‘traditional’ infections (e.g. diarrhoea, tuberculosis, malaria, measles, cholera and meningitis), undernutrition and anaemia, and HIV and AIDS are added the traumas left over from the war as well as emerging chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and alcohol abuse...

News, Reports and Policy

News and Reports from Southern Sudan - August 2008

Notice of another GOAL survey, GOAL, South Sudan carried out a multi indicator nutrition, health, water/sanitation and mortality survey along the Sobat Corridor in May 2008

Clinical Guidance

Guidelines for Patients: The benefits of good nutrition when you are infected with HIV

When our bodies do not get enough food, or the right foods, we become weak and cannot develop or function properly. Healthy and balanced nutrition means eating the right type of food in the right quantities. People with HIV have higher than normal energy needs (see Box 1). So a healthy diet is especially important if you are infected with HIV. Food cannot cure HIV infection, or treat the virus, but it can certainly improve fitness and quality of life. Eating enough and a balance of different foods helps

Resuscitation of Newborn Babies

Many newborns, especially in developing countries, die unnecessarily because health staff have not had the opportunity to learn how to give simple resuscitation. Birth asphyxia (fail ure to establish breathing at birth) ac counts for about 900 000 deaths each year and is one of the primary causes of early neonatal mortality. However resuscitation can be successful in low-resource settings...


Summary of a report on the Underlying Causes of Malnutrition in Twic County, Warap State, South Sudan. August 2007

Consecutive surveys in Twic County have shown constantly high levels of malnutrition despite the interventions currently being carried out. GOAL, together with other NGOs, has been carrying out feeding responses to alleviate malnutrition, and more recently food security awareness. Programme coverage and meeting international emergency feeding standards have been a challenge due to the low attendance in the various feeding sites.

Case Reports

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Extracts from Journals / For your Resource Centre - August 2008

Sudan Food Assistance Transition Study, Three I's to reduce the burden of TB in people with HIV, Making water safer for people living with HIV in Southern Sudan...