

In this issue these are listed under:

  • Malaria
  • Maternal, neonatal and child health
  • Nutrition
  • Surgery
  • Miscellaneous



Circumcision and transmission of human papillomavirus

Male circumcision reduces the transmission of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) in HIV-uninfected men and their female partners. This study found that circumcision of HIV-infected men did not affect transmission of high-risk HPV to their female partners, and so promotion of consistent safe sexual practices for HIV-infected men remains important.

Reference: Circumcision of HIV-infected men and transmission of human papillomavirus to female partners: analyses of data from a randomised trial in Rakai, Uganda AAR Tobian, X Kong, MJ Wawer etal The Lancet Infectious Diseases 11:604 - 612, August 2011



Malaria in Kenya

The National Guidelines for the Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Malaria in Kenya (3rd edition) is intended as a guide to all health professionals both pre- and in-service and including those in the private sector, researchers, trainers in medical training institutions and all partners involved in the implementation of malaria case management in Kenya.  

Published by the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Division of Malaria Control, P. O. Box 19982- KNH Nairobi - 00202, Kenya. [from Beatrice Muraguri]


Films on malaria

The Malaria Consortium ( has produced two new films which highlight the need for community based agents (CBAs) in Uganda and the challenges they face as they provide village members with diagnostics and treatment for the most common childhood diseases.
The first film shows mothers whose children have suffered from malaria or other infectious diseases such as diarrhoea or pneumonia. The second profiles CBAs who explain why it is difficult for community members to keep up good health practices and protect their children. The films show how vital community based agents really are and how bringing healthcare to the community can make a huge difference in saving the lives of many children. Watch the films at


Maternal, neonatal and child health 

Newborn care charts: management of sick and small newborns

These were developed for South Africa by the Limpopo Initiative for Newborn Care, University of Limpopo. The comprehensive 78-page document can be downloaded from and

Reference: Newborn care charts: management of sick and small newborns in hospital. A. Robertson, A.Malan, D.Greenfield, L.Mashao, N.Rhoda, A.Goga, K.Kerber, J.Lawn.2010 Healthy Newborn Network


Post-abortion Care Curriculum

This includes evidence from >15 years of research in post-abortion care as well as communication materials and job aids for providers. It is designed for use in post-abortion care educational and service delivery programmes, and can be adapted for pre-service, in-service and structured, competency-based, on-the-job training programmes.
The curriculum, which is produced on CD-ROM and is downloadable free from, contains a Reference Manual, a Participant’s Guide, a Trainer’s Guide and presentation graphics in PowerPoint format.
This site also provides standardized scientifically accurate and evidence-based information on post-abortion care and is a repository of basic instruments intended for policymakers and program planners who are designing or revising their current post-abortion care programme.

Produced by the USAID PAC Working Group for the Global Post-abortion Care Resource Package.

[From HIFA2015 [email protected]]


Uganda has eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus

Uganda has eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) due to a combination of tetanus vaccination of up to 2 million women of childbearing age, plus an emphasis on hygienic delivery and cord care practices.
Newborn babies can contract tetanus if the umbilical cord is cut with an unclean instrument or if a harmful substance such as ash or cow dung is applied to the cord, a traditional practice in some African countries.  If contracted, the infection can cause a baby to develop muscle spasms that eventually stop it from breathing.  MNT is among the most common lethal consequences of unclean deliveries and umbilical cord-care practices. When tetanus develops, mortality rates are extremely high, especially when appropriate medical care is not available.
Reducing maternal and neonatal tetanus is one of the many big success stories of global health in recent decades. The WHO website estimates that 'in 2008 (the latest year for which estimates are available), 59,000 newborns died from NT, a 92% reduction from the situation in the late 1980s.' Source:
See the press release from UNICEF at

[From CHILD 2015 [email protected]]


Exclusive-breastfeeding promotion by peer counselors in sub-Saharan Africa

This study was reviewed by the Nutrition News for Africa team who concluded that “the results of this study, coupled with the outcomes of earlier trials, indicate that it is possible to motivate child caregivers to change to more favorable infant feeding practices, using either facility-based or community-based behavior change/communication interventions.”

Reference: Exclusive-breastfeeding promotion by peer counsellors in sub-Saharan Africa (PROMISE-EBF): a cluster-randomised trial.  Tylleskär T, Jackson D, Meda N, Engerbretsen IMS, Chopra M, Diallo AH, et al for the PROMISE-EBF Study Group.  Lancet 378: 420-427, 2011.

To join the distribution list of Nutrition News for Africa (which reviews an important nutrition publication each month) send an email to Christian Fares ([email protected]).


Community-based nutrition planning

USAID’s Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN) Project has launched a collection of tools for strengthening community-based nutrition programming. This includes literature reviews, training materials, and monitoring and evaluation tools. IYCN has used the resources to reach mothers and engage key influencers, such as fathers, grandmothers, and community leaders, to improve nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life.

The resources can be adapted based on findings from formative research and programmatic needs and can be downloaded at:


WHO e-Library of Evidence for Nutrition Actions (eLENA)

One of the challenges in fighting malnutrition has been the vast and often conflicting array of evidence and advice on nutrition information. eLENA eliminates the inconsistent standards and provides authoritative guidelines on under-nutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and overweight and obesity. Visit eLENA at


Surgery in Africa Monthly Reviews

These reviews are available free at

Examples of recent ones are:

  • August: Peptic Ulcer Surgery: "A shift in the Paradigm" Indications, Operations of Choice and Operative Technique.
  • September: Surgical Safety

Also at this site are archives of reviews since 2005 and a resource library.

[From HIFA2015 2011 ]


International Federation of Rural Surgery

The aims of this organization include: promoting and upgrading affordable, appropriate surgery and health care for rural population and economically weak sections of urban population. It emphasises the important role played by rural surgery and aims to bring appropriate rural surgery and health care technologies closer to people’s homes. Visit the website at



Sphere Handbook

The Sphere Project is an initiative to define and uphold the standards by which the global community responds to the plight of people affected by disasters, principally through a set of guidelines that are set out in the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response (commonly referred to as the Sphere Handbook). Sphere is based on two core beliefs: first, that those affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and therefore a right to protection and assistance, and second, that all possible steps should be taken to alleviate human suffering arising out of disaster and conflict. The 2011 edition of the Sphere Handbook is downloadable at


Global Health Portal

The Lancet has launched a Global Health Portal at, which offers free and unlimited access to all global health content in one location including Series, Regional Reports, multimedia content, and their World Report and Perspectives sections. Global health content is free to all users. World Reports and Perspectives articles are ideal for anyone who wants a personal view on a subject, and The Lancet Global Health Series, and Regional Reports and Commissions provide in-depth views for anyone seeking disease-specific or regional information.'

Recent Global Health Series include Obesity, New Decade of Vaccines, and Chronic Diseases and Development.

[From HIFA2015 28Aug2011 ]