Multi-Indicator Nutrition, Health, WASH and Mortality Cluster Survey: Twic County, Warrap State. 2010


Each year GOAL in South Sudan conducts a Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) at their field sites in Twic County (Warrap State), Agok (Abyei) and Sobat (Ulang and Baliet Counties, Upper Nile State). These give comprehensive and representative data on many indicators including: nutritional status; mortality; morbidity in the last two weeks; immunisation coverage; child feeding practices; household food security; water; sanitation & hygiene; maternal and general health; malaria prevention; HIV/AIDS, and education. 

Selected young child-related findings from the recently published MICS survey from Twic County are:

  • According to the WHO Growth Standards a quarter of young children were malnourished (GAM =~25%) and about 6% were severely malnourished.
  • Under-5 mortality rate for the 3 months prior to the survey was 1.05/10,000.
  • Percent of households where children under 5 years had slept under LLITN the previous night (of households with children under 5 years) was 53%.

Reference: Jemal Seid. ‘Findings of a Multi-Indicator Nutrition, Health, WASH (Water and Sanitation Hygiene) and Mortality Cluster Survey. ‘ March 2010. GOAL. South Sudan. To obtain a copy of this and other MICS reports send an email to [email protected]